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Thursday 27 July 2006 OCS Inventory Package deployment

Introduction OCS Inventory is an excelent piece of GPL Software for getting info from hardware components, and software installed on computers running Windows or UNIX-like operating systems (there are also some unofficial clients for running on other platforms). Since New Generation (OCS-NG), a new architecture was implemented: server were contacted using standard TCP/IP connection , allowing remote computers to connect as well as providing a new web interface for computer (...) Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 7 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux, Tutorial, OCS Inventory | Read more

Saturday 29 July 2006 OCS Deployment Tips and tricks

Prior to using the following info for creating own-made packages, let’s test if everything is working fine. I’ve created a NSIS script that writes into registry in a key called HKLM\SOFTWARE\OCS and puts a key named "cert" with value "creilla". If we create a package with action "LAUNCH", and attach the with command to execute "regcert.exe", all clients with functional package deployment, will add that key to registry, so we can check, using OCS registry query function for (...) Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux, OCS Inventory | Read more

Saturday 23 January 2010 Customize RHEL/CentOS installation media (EL4/EL5+)

So many times you'll like to have an installation media with all up-to-date patches, erratas aplied, so you can just install from that media and have a ready to work system instead of just install standard O.S. and then apply patches... this will let you know how Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux, Documentation, Tips&Tricks | Read more

Thursday 15 November 2007 Creating Jigsaw Download (Jigdo) files for downloading ISO’s

Introduction Jigdo (JIGsaw DOwnload) is a small utility that can assemble a CD/DVD image from it’s internal files. For example, Debian has been using it for years for distributing the entire distribution: you downloaded a .jigdo file, and then, using the utility jigdo-lite (package jigdo-file on Debian like and RPM based. This way, you only downloaded small files from servers, preventing line failures, spreading load between several servers, etc. Furthermore, if you already had some (...) Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux, Tutorial, Documentation | Read more

Sábado 14 de junio de 2008 Fedora

Introducción Fedora es una distribución Linux fruto del desarrollo de la extinta Red Hat Linux. Red Hat Linux se readaptó al entorno empresarial proporcionado las opciones de soporte que las empresas buscaban en el software libre y del código de Red Linux, nacieron dos versiones, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, disponible para clientes con subscripciones [1] válidas y Fedora Core, sucesor directo de Red Hat Linux. Así pues el panorama quedaba del siguiente modo: – Red Hat Enterprise (...) Enviado por Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 1 Comentario(s) | Visitas: 0 | Popularidad 0% | Palabras clave: Software Libre, Linux , Tutorial, Documentación | Leer más

Miércoles 24 de septiembre de 2008 Creación de distribuciones Live con Fedora

Introducción Según lo visto en el artículo sobre kickstart (Kickstart: instalaciones automatizadas para anaconda), podemos crear un guión de instalación automatizada que por ejemplo podemos utilizar para crear un DVD autoinstalable, un servidor http, etc. Fedora (Fedora) proporciona unas utilidades ’livecd-tools’ que permiten, utilizando un fichero kickstart crear una imagen ISO con una instalacion del sistema que hayamos escogido que tiene la característica de poderse ejecutar desde (...) Enviado por Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comentario(s) | Visitas: 0 | Popularidad 0% | Palabras clave: Software Libre, Linux , Documentación | Leer más

Wednesday 5 March 2003 VPNS: Multiple VPN’s Launcher

1 General Purpose The idea on writing vpns and the structure it follows was the problem that we had into easily configure many vpn’s for use with the wireless project interconnection (Valencia Wireless When having no chance to join networks using just wireless links, we needed to provide some kind of transparent link from one wifi node to another. To do so, we decided to use the VPND daemon to establish links between our networks for allowing (...) Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux | Read more

Friday 4 January 2008 Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

Introduction SELinux is an implementation of MAC over LSM in Linux Kernel. SELinux, originally developed by N.S.A. allows applications to be confined by the kernel. Inside that "confined area", much more grained than a standard chroot, in which we can allow only certain operations, for example: adding information to a file, read from a directory but not writing, even just for one file in a standard directory, etc... Policies Each policy has different applications, and restrictions (...) Submitted by Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comments(s) | Visits: 0 | Popularity 0% | Keywords: Free/Opensource Software, Linux, Security, Documentation | Read more

Viernes 4 de enero de 2008 Creando plantillas Jigdo (Jigsaw Download) para descargar ISO’s

Introducción Jigdo (JIGsaw DOwnload) es una pequeña utilidad que permite ensamblar imágenes de CD/DVD a partir de los ficheros que las forman. Por ejemplo, Debian ha estado utilizándolo durante algún tiempo para distribuir sus imágenes: se descarga un fichero jigdo y utilizando la orden jigdo-lite (paquete jigdo-lite en Debian y en las basadas en RPM. De este modo, sólo de descargan ficheros pequeños de incluso varios servidores, repartiendo la carga, y haciendo uso de posibles (...) Enviado por Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comentario(s) | Visitas: 0 | Popularidad 0% | Palabras clave: Software Libre, Linux , Tutorial, Documentación | Leer más

Domingo 11 de mayo de 2008 Kickstart: instalaciones automatizadas para anaconda

Instalar linux Hoy en día todas las distribuciones suelen disponer de un instalador gráfico que mediante un sencillo asistente permiten particionar el sistema, seleccionar los paquetes, instalarlos y configurarlos. El problema viene cuando en lugar de instalar un PC en 40 minutos, tenemos que instalar 20, cada uno de esos pc’s, aunque podamos ir con varios discos a la vez, nos va a llevar más de 40 minutos hacer la instalación, por tener que ir siguiendo el asistente, escogiendo (...) Enviado por Pablo Iranzo Gómez | 0 Comentario(s) | Visitas: 0 | Popularidad 0% | Palabras clave: Software Libre, Linux , Tutorial, Documentación | Leer más